
Friday, April 24, 2015

U is for Upstate New York

On the Day 21 of the A - Z Challenge, U is for Upstate New York

After we had success with taking David and Michael away for a week vacation in Vermont, my husband wanted to take them for a long weekend to Cooperstown, New York to visit the Baseball Hall of Fame.  David and Michael really enjoyed watching baseball games on TV and we had taken them to a couple of Red Sox games at Fenway Park, even though they are Yankees' fans.  

I searched for places to stay in Cooperstown that had some sort of kitchen facilities and found two places, one was in Cooperstown and the other was just outside of Cooperstown, The Meadowlark Inn.  I visited the Meadowlark's website and they had a wonderful slide presentation showing a beautiful quaint inn with pristine grounds and they even had a baseball field on the property.  Yup, that was the place for us.  

We love to go to Cooperstown and have been going every June and September for the last several years.  We've made friends both there and in Sharon Springs which is about 20 miles away from the Inn.  We've gone to Harvest Festivals, Garden Festivals, Kite Festivals, the Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown Farmers Museum, Go Cart racing and a host of other activities!  We get to eat dinner as a family at the 204 Bistro in Sharon Springs where Norm and Jim prepare David and Michael allergy free dinners.  All in all, Upstate NY is always a good idea for us.



  1. My husband's family has a house in upstate NY. It's fun to visit!
    Good luck with the A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

    1. Upstate NY is great isn't it? - Thanks for stopping by! - into the homestretch with the #AtoZChallenge!

  2. I've heard Upstate NY is beautiful. My husband spent some time there. I've been through upstate but haven't stopped!
    Maui Jungalow

    1. Hi Courtney - it is beautiful there - laid back and always something to do - I don't think I could live there year round, but definitely wouldn't mind having a house there. xoxo

  3. I've been to upstate when I was a kid. Its beautiful there in the summer time.

    1. Hi Stephen - yes, summer is gorgeous and in the fall it's so pretty with all the leaves changing color! xoxo

  4. Stopping by from the #atozchallenge 2015! Thanks for visiting me. Congratulations on making it past the first half of the challenge.
    Great post. I'm following you on your listed social media sites.
    J @JLenniDorner

    Crap. Now that song is stuck in my head!!!
    Eh well, it's a good song.

    1. HaHa - thanks for the follows! - my friend gave that pillow to me last fall when we visited. It has a duo meaning, lemon drops are my signature drink! I corrupt everyone with lemon drops!! xoxo
