
Friday, April 17, 2015

O is for OCD

On Day 15 of the A - Z Challenge, O is for OCD.   

OCD, Obsessive Compulsion Disorder is a common issue for some with autism, although in my house I think we all have some symptoms of it.  

My husband claims I am OCD because I always forget things when I leave the house. I wonder if I locked the door.  Did I shut the freezer.  Is the stove burner off.  From what I've read, they are classic signs of OCD.  

My husband is a germophobe, although not in the classic sense.  He doesn't go crazy with washing his hands or using hand sanitizer.  As a matter of fact, he doesn't like to wash too often because it 'dries out his hands'.  But he does go through boxes and boxes of plastic gloves.  He also will use a tissue to pick up the TV remote and change channels.  I call him knuckles because he will pick things up, especially dished with his knuckles.  It makes me crazy!

David has picked up his father's nutty 'clean' obsession.  He opens a door with the bottom of his shirt and will use his elbow or feet to push it open.  He will wash his hands over and over if he touches something, but I notice he does it more when his father is around.  I think on some level he realizes it's a little obsessive.  He'll also use a tissue to pick things up especially if he's getting ready to eat and usually when his father is home. 

Michael will go into a room after someone leaves and makes sure the light is out.  He is also fixated on locking doors.  He will ask 10 times when we leave the house, "is the door locked."

I don't think OCD is a symptom of my son's autism.  This particular affliction is most likely hereditary and in some cases, learned!


  1. OCD is such an interesting disorder. I'm definitely not OCD. My house would probably drive your husband mad!

    1. My issue is checking things. I am a packrat, and it drives him INSANE!

  2. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge - where I am part of the A to Z Ambassador Team! (I'm a minion/volunteer under Arlee.)
    Great post. I'm looking forward to more. Let me know if I can help you in any blogging way this month. Congratulations on making it past the first half. Finish strong. You can do it! I've followed you on GFC.
    -J @JLenniDorner

    I recall my aunt having an obsession with washing my hands. (Making me do it over if it took less than three minutes.) So I do tend to wash them more than others. But if I'm OCD about anything, it's my keyboard. I don't even realize it until I look at the keyboards of other people. Mine looks brand new after seven years. I clean it almost every day. I keep it covered. I use a tiny paint brush, a small vacuum, even a bent paperclip to get out every particle of dust. (Plus the obvious Lysol wipes.)

    1. Thanks for stopping by J - I appreciate the support! - I think everyone has something they do! You would hate my keyboard. I need one of those small vacuums!! xoxo

  3. The perfectionism and constant checking end of the spectrum is relatively wide-spread and not *too* difficult for the sufferer to live with. Its when its reaching the more severe end of the spectrum that it can be hugely life changing and distressing - such as when sufferers are terrified that they will do something appalling, despite having no interest, drive or compulsion to do that thing - their only compulsion is that fear.
    Glad this is one aspect of the spectrum you don't have to handle Judi.

    1. Yes Deb. I am glad we don't have to deal with the severe OCD issues. Out of all of us, my husband is the one who drives me nuts. "did you wash your hands?" "I didn't see you wash your hands." "Don't touch that without gloves, it's dirty." "No, I can't get that, I just washed my hands." I go out of my mind when he picks up dishes with his knuckles!! xoxo

  4. Thank god he did not meet me. He would go nuts looking at my home. Yeah many have some kind of an OCD in them. But this one is due to fear. How do you manage all this..

    1. Hi Lancelot - The OCD issues are not really significant. And believe me, with my packrat habits, he goes out of his mind in my house! When I look back at the early years compared to now, I am amazed at how far we've all come even though there's a lot more work to do. We just try and get through things one day at a time. thanks for stopping by! xoxo

  5. LOL! My husband is OCD I think. He doesn't have the hand washing thing though I wish he would! But he frets and wonders if the house is locked or if the cabinets are locked or where is a particular object. He also is very concerned with neatness unless it's his mess (in which case it is a "project" that he is working on) and of course, projects are not a mess, unless it's my "project."

    1. haha - my husband has a room in his office with papers all over, then complains about my things all over in the house! I'll say it again, I think we all have a touch of OCD in some respect!! xoxo

  6. Ha ha, "he will go into a room after someone leaves and makes sure the light is out." BUT, does he write "off" with an arrow pointing down on your light switches like mine does? "Locked" with an arrow pointing to the right smack dab on the front door? Does he label the inside of cabinets in the kitchen so you know which shelves the "bowls" go on vs the "plates?" I is for Idiosyncrasy!

  7. Just remember, all you OCD types out there, there is a good side to obsessive compulsive personality traits!Who wants their doctor, especially their surgeon, not be be a bit OCD? Yes, please, check and recheck! OCD's make some of the best professionals! Of course, they can drive us crazy personally! I am very laid back, and a mess. My daughters have a touch of OCD, both ot them, they must get it from their Dad! LOL Great post!

    1. Ha! yes Helen you are absolutely correct - I little OCD can definitely be a good thing! xoxo
