
Thursday, April 2, 2015

B is For Beach

On day 2 of the A-Z Challenge, B is for Beach.  

Today is also Light it up Blue - World Autism Awareness Day.  Monuments all over the world will be lighting up blue.  #LIUB #AutismAwareness.

I have always loved the beach, but during my sons' early years, we did not go to the beach at all.  David had sensory issues.  He hated many textures.  He especially hated sand.  When he was almost a year old, my husband and I drove an hour away to pick up this really cool tug boat sand box.  We came home, set it up, filled it with sand and brought David over to it.  He threw his hands out and his feet straight out in front of him.  He hated it.  I had to buy him some little leather slipper-shoes he could wear in the sand box and even then he was leary about playing in it.  

When David was 8, my friend Linda finally convinced me to visit her at her beach house and bring the boys.  Linda & I took them to the beach for the day and they absolutely loved it!  

First time EVER in the ocean!
David still had his sensory issues.  Once he was out of the water, he would sit in a chair with his feet in a bucket of water. 

When we'd leave the beach at the end of the day, David would freak out if the showers on the pavilion were closed and he couldn't rinse his feet. I had to carry a bottle of water in the car to rinse his feet!  But after a couple of years, both boys are certified beach bums.  They go to the car with sand on their feet and as a matter of fact, they are game to take a ride to the beach any time. 


  1. A wonderful success story! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for reading rogershipp. We take whatever success, big or small, one at a time. It's a great feeling! xoxo

  2. I'm so glad the boys enjoy the beach and sand now! And yay especially for the parents who were encouraging, loving, and supportive the whole time! :)

    1. Hi Mandy, thank you for stopping by! I am so glad they love the beach too! It is seriously my favorite place in the world! I'm glad we were able to overcome this one, believe me! xoxo

  3. Judi! Had no idea you were doing #atozchallenge. Great! What an interesting story to share with other parents, how your boy didn't like sand on his feet but eventually got used to it. Maui Jungalow

    1. Hi Courtney - thanks for stopping by - I literally decided to do the #a-zchallenge on April 1! Still trying to get topics together. I hadn't really planned on doing the entire theme on autism, was just going to make it a potpourri, but one of my first comments was how it was a great idea to showcase autism, so I decided to go with it - hopefully I'll come up with a-z ideas!! I'm following your blog as well! xoxo

  4. Very interesting blog post. I just decided to do the challenge on April 1 also. I have a cousin and several friends with kids with Autism and sensory issues, I will give them this link so they can read it too, especially since you are doing more. I know comraderie helps. I will always be wishing you and your family well from afar. Helen

    1. Hi Helen - thank you for stopping by. When my kids were first diagnosed, I never knew anyone who had autism, now it seems like everyone knows someone. Thank you also for your well wishes. xoxo

    2. Oh how your post makes me snicker. I too have a child with autism. This really hits home for me in a way only a parent of a child on the spectrum could ever understand.

    3. Hi Scarlet - you too understand how things that we would normally take for granted and that are no big deal can be so difficult for an autistic child! As I am getting my ideas ready for the rest of the month's post, I am reliving some of the things we have dealt with and happily moved on from! Thanks again for stopping by - xoxo

  5. What a wonderful transition from not liking it so much to really liking it. Step by step you have shown others how to overcome certain challenges. I really love that last pic. Beautiful.

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