
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Laying Down the Gauntlet

While dropping off a meal for my in-laws, I causally mentioned in passing that I had dug out my bicycle from the mounds of stuff I have in my garage.  I told my mother-in-law I really needed to lose about 20 pounds.  And of course my husband, who was lurking around in one of the other rooms piped in 'you'll never lose 20 pounds.  Why don't you just try and lose 5 pounds.  You've been saying you're going to lose 20 pounds for the past 10 years."  

And with that he has laid down the gauntlet.

Truth is, I have been saying I want to lose 20 pounds, (for about 5 years, not 10).  Truth also is that I should lose 35 pounds, but I would be happy with 20.  I am my own worst enemy however.  I have two problems when it comes to losing weight.  The biggest obstacle is that I LOVE food.  Not pastries, cake, candies or soda, but real food, like heavy cream sauces, cheese sauces, pasta and sadly, junk food.  I love burgers, tacos, burritos and even fried chicken sandwiches.  In the summer, I love the fried fish platters at the beach restaurants and hot dogs and burgers on the grill. 

I have a bad habit of not eating enough for breakfast, going out to do errands and then realize it's after lunch and I am starving.  When that happens, I cannot just drive by a Burger King or McDonalds without grabbing a burger.  The funny thing is I actually do like healthy food.  But preparing healthy food can sometimes be more time consuming than just throwing some high cholesterol red meat on the grill (or stopping at the drive-thru).  And as much as I love fresh veggies, I cannot turn down a plate of home-made Mac and Cheese.  

The other obstacle I have to overcome is my motivation, or rather lack of it.  When I have a partner in crime, I get results.  But when it's up to me to continue a routine, alone, I can find a million and one excuses to not exercise on any given day.  Most of my friends work during the day and once I pick up the kids from school, my me time is over. 

I am hopeful that the bike will motivate me even though I will be riding alone.  We have a 14 mile bike path in Rhode Island and part of it is in Bristol, RI, right on the water.  I'm thinking of taking my camera along enabling me to kill two birds with one stone.  I bought a bike helmet yesterday morning and am hoping when the kids go back to school next week, I will be able to begin a biking routine, although I think I should probably get the bike into the shop to replace the tire tubes first as they seem to not be holding air properly.  It has to be at least 15 years since I last rode that bike!  Good thing I bought the helmet!  

So, my goal is 20 pounds and if I meet that goal, I'll shoot for another 15.  Thank you my loving and supportive husband for throwing down the gauntlet.  I hope I can do it!


  1. Judi,

    You should go for it but it probably won't be easy. You've motivated me, I probably need to clean up my diet a little bit. Sounds like you have a realistic goal and a good plan to get there. I'll check in and see how it's going. Good Luck!

    Thanks for checking out The Great Sand Dunes post.

    1. Thanks Dan - I think for me to be successful, I need to focus on the exercise aspect more. And if I can just cut down on the junk and stick to healthy portion sizes, I should be OK - getting the bike tuned up, and should be good to go this week!! thanks for the support!!
