Hello. Please excuse my absence. My sons and I have been living the life, spending 7 weeks at the beach this summer. My daughter Jaime was able to spend a little time with us as well and we just enjoyed a beautiful, hot, lazy summer at the beach.
I have also enrolled in the Photography Certificate Program at RI School of Design (RISD) and have been taking courses over the past year. My most recent class starts on September 15.
My older son starts high school next Tuesday. OMG, where has the time gone? It seems he was just a little baby coming home from the hospital, I blinked and he is now going into one of the top high schools in the state. I am so proud of him!
I didn't participate this April in the blogging A-Z Challenge because life got a little hectic, however tonight, as I looked through some of the posts from last years' challenge, I realize how far we've all come. With both boys becoming more and more independent, it's time for me to move forward to the next phase of my life. That phase involves more work, photography classes and goals to meet, my biggest goal is living at the beach.
For years I had a successful eBay business that has been neglected for the past 4 or so years. I had also opened an Etsy store, selling wine charms but that also wasn't a high performing business. I started thinking about the charms I had and what I could do with them and I decided to make bracelets. While having my morning coffee on the beach, I did some research, reached out to a friend who is a web designer and located a woman who does graphic design and can make me custom charms.
I am working with a couple of alumni associations in order to design custom charms bracelets for their members and am hoping to expand that to other organizations that want a one of a kind bracelet with an exclusive charm.
Currently, I am offering a Back to School special with 10% off. The coupon code to enter at checkout is BACK2SCHOOL and is valid through 9/6/16. The bracelets shown in my store are just a small sample of what can be made. Custom orders are welcome, I can interchange charms if desired. The prices include free shipping and choice of initial.
Check out my store at this link Judi's Etsy Treasures

I'm glad to be back although it may not be for long, as I am currently working with a friend on a new website which will include a new blog on Wordpress.
But in the meantime, I'm back! Did you miss me?