
Monday, January 26, 2015


Once upon a time (earlier this past weekend), there was an Alberta Clipper that was supposed bring us 4-6 inches of snow.  Somehow this Alberta Clipper morphed into a Blizzard named Juno.  The markets are crazy, liquor stores are packed and everyone is running out for supplies.  We have been told here in Rhode Island to expect 20-30 inches of snow over a two day timeframe.  Winds may gust in some areas to 60-70 miles per hour and we should expect to lose power.  

Today's dilemma was do I spend hours clearing stuff out of the shed to get to the generator or not? My sons' food allergies were the reason I bought this generator several years ago before a hurricane.  But that was in October and I couldn't risk losing the food.  But it's cold outside here.  20-30 inches of snow on the deck will suffice as an effective refrigerator.  We have gas heat and a gas stove.  

I figured Murphy's Law would apply.  If I didn't get the generator ready, we'd lose power.  If I did get it ready, we would probably be OK.  I decided to err on the side of caution.  I spent almost two hours clearing the shed, taking some plywood and wedging up it against the deck to shelter from blowing snow, and called my neighbor Ryan.  Ryan came over and helped lug the generator out of the shed and get it started.  We warmed it up and then put it under the deck.  And with a little luck, I won't need it.  

We have food and water but more importantly vodka.  For tonight, I have crockpot lasagne cooking for my husband and me.  The boys will eat allergy friendly meatballs and pasta.  I was instructed to buy DiGiorno thin crust pepperoni pizza (my husband) and the ingredients to make NY System Hot Weiners (a Rhode Island thing;) and allergy free chicken marsala. Done, done and done.  

And we sit and wait.. Come on Juno, bring it on..